31 Crazy Fun Activities for Youth Groups Indoors (on the Cheap!)

summer vacation, holidays, games and friendship concept - group of smiling teenagers playing basketball outdoors

Are you looking for some fun indoor activities for your youth group? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we will be discussing a variety of different games and activities that can be enjoyed indoors, no matter what the weather is like outside.

So whether it’s raining or snowing, these activities will keep your group entertained for hours on end. And the best part is, they don’t require a lot of space or prep time! So gather your group together, and let’s get started.


One classic game that can be enjoyed indoors is charades. This is a great game for groups of all sizes. To play, you will need to divide your group into two teams.

Each team will then take turns acting out different words or phrases without speaking. Next, the rest of the team must try to guess what the word or phrase is. A point is awarded to the first team to make a correct guess. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins!


Another fun game that can be played indoors is Twister. This is a great way to get everyone up and moving! This classic party game can be enjoyed by groups of all sizes.

To play, you will need to divide your group into two teams. Each team will then take turns spinning the wheel and finding out what color they need to put their hand or foot on. The first team to stay up the longest without falling wins!

Hula Hoops

Hula hoops are a great way to have fun indoors! You can use them to play a variety of games, such as a hula hoop contest where you set a timer to see who can stay “hula-hooping” the longest.

You can also use hula hoops to create an obstacle course! This is an excellent activity for larger groups. Set up a course with different obstacles, such as cones, chairs, or even people! The first team to finish the course wins.

Another fun game to play with hula hoops is Hoopla. You clasp hands while doing this, placing a hula hoop over the shoulder of one person. Then, without letting go of each other’s hands, try to move the hoop all the way around the circle. Make the task more difficult by inserting a second hoop that faces the opposite direction.

Board Games

Board games are another great way to have fun indoors. There are so many different games to choose from, such as Monopoly, Scrabble, or even Jenga.

No matter what game you choose, board games are a great way for youth group kids to spend some fun quality time together. They’re also a great way to get some friendly competition going!

Card Games

Card games are another excellent option for indoor fun. There are so many different games to choose from, such as Go Fish, War, or even Uno.

Plus, there are plenty of card games that can be played without a special deck of cards. For example, you can use a regular deck of playing cards to play the game “Spoons.”

To play, you will need a regular deck of cards and a spoon for each player, minus one. The object of the game is to collect four of a kind, at which point you grab a spoon from the middle of the table. The last person to grab a spoon is out!

You can also use a regular deck of cards to play Memory. This is a great game for younger kids. To play, simply lay all of the cards face down on the table. Then, take turns flipping over two cards at a time, trying to find matching pairs. If you find a match, you get to keep the cards and take another turn.

If you don’t find a match, simply flip the cards back over, and it’s the next player’s turn. The game is over when all of the pairs have been found.

Card games are a great way to have indoor fun because they’re easy to set up, and there are so many different games to choose from.


Pictionary is a great game for groups of all sizes. To play, you will need a whiteboard, markers, and a timer.

One player will be the “artist,” and the rest of the players will be the “guesses.” The artist will choose a word or phrase and attempt to draw it on the whiteboard without using any letters or numbers. The guessers will then have to try to guess what the word or phrase is.

The artist can only draw – no talking! If the guessers can’t guess the word or phrase within the time limit, they get one point. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Pictionary is an excellent game for indoor fun because it’s a great way to get everyone involved. Plus, it’s a great way to get everyone laughing!

Table Games

Table games are another great way to have fun indoors. There are so many different games to choose from, such as Chess, Checkers, or even Table Tennis.

Ping Pong is another great indoor game that can be played on a table. To play, you will need a Ping Pong table, paddles, a net, and a ball.

Photo Scavenger Hunt

A Photo Scavenger Hunt is a great way to have fun and explore your surroundings. To play, you will need a camera and a list of items to find.

The objective of the game is to find and take a picture of each item on the list. The first team to find and take a picture of all of the items on the list wins.

A Photo Scavenger Hunt is a great game for indoor fun because it’s a great way to get everyone moving around and exploring. Plus, it’s a great team-building game!

Hot Potato

Hot Potato is a great game for groups of all sizes. To play, you will need a timer and an object to use as the “potato.”

The objective of the game is to pass the potato around the circle as many times as possible without getting caught holding it when the timer goes off.

If you are caught holding the potato when the timer goes off, you are out of the game. The last person remaining in the game is the winner.

Hot Potato is a great game for indoor fun because it’s a great way to get everyone moving and laughing. Plus, it’s a great way to get everyone involved in the game.

Happy Group Of Young Friends Playing Video Games At Home

Video Games

Video games are a great way to have fun indoors. There are so many different games to choose from, such as racing games, sports games, or even puzzle games.

To play, you will need a video game console and a TV. You can either play by yourself or with other players.

Video games are a great way to have fun indoors because they’re a great way to relax and unwind. Plus, they’re a great way to get your mind off of things.

Relay Race

A relay race is a great way to have fun and get everyone moving. To play, you will need a starting line and a finish line. You can use duct tape for this. The objective of the game is to race from the starting line to the finish line as fast as possible in teams.

To make the game more challenging, you can set up obstacles along the race course. The first team to cross the finish line wins. Relay races make great indoor group games if you have use of a large indoor area like a gym.

Dance Party

A dance party is a great way to get the entire group up and moving and having fun. To start, you will need some music. You can either use a CD player or an iPod connected to a Bluetooth speaker. High schoolers especially love dancing, and they will have fun taking turns selecting the songs.

Ice Cream Social

An ice cream social is a great way to have fun and get everyone involved. To get set up, you will need ice cream, toppings, spoons, and bowls. Kids of all ages will enjoy building their own customized ice cream sundaes.

Human Knot

The human knot is a great game for groups of all sizes. To play, you will need at least six people. The objective of the game is to untangle the group without letting go of each other’s hands. This is a great team-building game that will get everyone working together.

Trust Fall

A trust fall is a great way to get everyone involved and build trust within the group. To play, you will need a large open area. The objective of the game is for one person to fall backward and be caught by the rest of the group.

Simon Says

Simon Says is a classic game that is perfect for indoor group fun. The objective of the game is for players to follow the leader’s instructions only when they start with the phrase “Simon says.” If players do not start with the phrase “Simon says,” then they should not follow the instructions.

Heads Up Seven Up

Although it’s preferable to have tables, youngsters can also sit on the floor to play this game. Children must stretch out one thumb while burying their heads in their arms so they cannot see.

The youth group leader then picks one person in secrecy to serve as “It.” Six other people’s thumbs are then touched by this person. Finally, anybody who has been touched makes their way to the front of the room.

After completing the game, “It” shouts, “Heads Up, Seven Up!” Everyone sits up and tries to identify which of the seven individuals at the front is “It.” If no one can figure it out, “It” gets to go again.

Famous People Impersonation Contest

This game is a great way to get everyone involved and laughing. To play, each person will need to think of a famous person that they can impersonate.

Once everyone has thought of a famous person, they will take turns going up in front of the group and impersonating their chosen person. The goal is to get as many people as possible to guess who you are impersonating. The person who gets the most guesses wins the contest.

Full length of teenage boys and girls with colorful bowling balls standing in club


Bowling is a great indoor activity that can be enjoyed by groups of all ages. To play, you will need a bowling set and some balls. You can either set up actual bowling pins or use plastic ones. The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible by knocking down the pins.

Pizza Party

Pizza parties are always a hit with youth groups. To have a pizza party, you will need to order pizzas from your local pizzeria. However, you can also get creative and have the group make their own pizzas. The goal of the party is to have fun and enjoy some good pizza!

Crab Soccer

Crab soccer is a great indoor activity for groups of all ages. To play, you will need a large open area. The objective of the game is to score goals by kicking the ball into the opposing team’s net while walking like a crab. The team with the most goals at the end of the game wins.

Musical Chairs

Musical chairs is a classic indoor game that is perfect for groups of all ages. To play, you will need a large open area and some chairs. The objective of the game is to be the last person standing by avoiding being eliminated when the music stops.

To start, the group leader will play some music. Then, everyone in the group will walk around the chairs. When the music stops, everyone will sit down in a chair. The person who does not have a chair is eliminated and must leave the playing area.

The group leader will then start the music again, and everyone will walk around the chairs. When the music stops, everyone will sit down in a chair.

The person who does not have a chair is eliminated and must leave the playing area. This process will continue until there is only one person left in the game. Then, that person is the winner!

Poop Deck

Line up the kids on the sideline to begin this silly game. But, first, make sure there is space between the decks (rectangles that you create) for all of the kids to move around safely.

Students line up, placing their toes behind the sideline. The designated leader stands at the end of the line and calls out, “Poop Deck!” “Main Deck!” or “Quarter Deck!”

Then, each kid must sprint to the assigned spot. The final student to enter the zone past the line is eliminated until the following round.

The judge makes the call (but students usually know when they do not make it). Start a new round when there are only a few kids left. Play until there is only one player left, and they are the winner!


This is a great indoor game to play on rainy days. The object of the game is to find the person who is “it” without being seen by other players.

To start, one person is chosen to be “it,” and they go and hide somewhere in the room or building. Then, everyone else goes and looks for them. Once someone finds “it,” they quietly go and hide next to them.

The game continues until everyone has found “it” and is hiding next to them. The last person to find “it” is the hider for the next round.

Group of friends in circle looking down and rising hands - Several people exulting on the beach at sunset

The Telephone Game

This fun group game is perfect for larger groups. The object of the game is to see how much information can be accurately passed on from one person to the next.

To start, the group leader will whisper a message into the ear of the first person in line. The next person in line will then hear what that person heard and whisper it to the next person and so on.

The last person in line will announce out loud what they think the message was. The group will then discuss how accurate the message was and what may have caused it to change. The game can then be played again with a different message.

Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament

This fun activity can be played with a large group or smaller groups. It is a great icebreaker game and gets everyone interacting with each other.

To start, everyone in the group will pair up with someone else. Once everyone has a partner, they will play a game of rock, paper, scissors.

The loser of each match will sit down, and the winner will move on to play someone else. This process will continue until there is only one person left standing. Then, that person is the winner!

The Floor is Lava

This fun and simple game can be played with a large or smaller group. The object of the game is to get from one side of the room to the other without touching the floor, which is “lava.”

To start, everyone in the group will stand on one side of the room. The leader will then call out various objects that can be used to help get across the lava (ex., chairs, pillows, blankets).

Players must then use those objects to get from one side of the room to the other without touching the floor. If anyone touches the floor, they are out of the game. The last person standing is the winner!

Friendship Yarn Ball

This game can be played in small groups or larger groups. To play, you simply throw a yarn ball to someone in the circle, mention his or her name, and pay that person a compliment to play this entertaining game.

This action will be repeated by all the players until each one has the yarn ball and some yarn wrapped around his or her fingers. Then, repeat the process for two or three more rounds after the ball of yarn has returned to you.

This game is a great way to get everyone interacting and to break the ice if there are new members in the group. It’s also a lot of fun!

Hula Hoop Relay

This is a fun relay race that can be played with two teams. The object of the game is to see which team can pass the hula hoop the furthest in a set amount of time.

To start, the two teams will line up behind each other. The first player in each team will then put the hula hoop around their waist and start moving forward.

As they move, they must pass the hula hoop to the next person in line. The team that can pass the hula hoop the furthest in the allotted time is the winner!

Laundry Basket Ball

This is a fun and active game that can be played with a large group. The object of the game is to score as many points as possible by throwing a ball into a laundry basket.

To start, the group will split into two teams. Each team will then line up behind a line on the floor (this can be any type of line, such as a piece of tape).

The first player in each team will then throw the ball towards the basket and try to score. If they make the shot, they will get one point. The team with the most points at the end of the allotted time is the winner!

Tug Of War

This is a classic game that can be played with two teams. The object of the game is to see which team can pull the other team across a line on the floor.

To start, the two teams will line up opposite each other, holding onto a rope that is placed in the middle. The leader will then say, “go,” and the two teams will start pulling on the rope. The team that manages to pull the other team across the line is the winner!

Fun Indoor Games FAQs

What are some fun church activities?

As you can see from the article above, there are many fun indoor activities to be played, and they are all great church activities as well! These include board games, card games, simple team games, and new activities like hula hoops. These activities can keep groups of all ages entertained for hours on end.

What is the number one game in the world?

Currently, Minecraft is the most popular and widely played game in the world. If you have access to a game console or gaming PC for your youth group kids, Minecraft can be a very fun and interactive game for your kids to play together!

What game is trending right now?

Currently, the top four trending games right now are Roblox, Fall Guys, Minecraft, and The Sims. Roblox, Fall Guys, and Minecraft are great games for kids of all ages. The Sims is great for older kids that are at least 12 years old.

Try Some of These Fun Youth Group Games Today!

Games are a great way to get youth groups interacting and having fun. The games we’ve listed here are all easy to set up and can be enjoyed by people of all ages. So gather your group together today and try out one of these activities!

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Kristen is the founder and content creator at Mom Managing Chaos where she teaches busy moms how to simplify and organize their life and finances. She writes about frugal living, budgeting, productivity and organization.