33 Crazy Fun Outdoor Party Games for Teens (You Can Do on the Cheap!)

If you’re looking for a fun way to help your teenager celebrate with friends, outdoor party games for teens are a great option. Classic games like tag or treasure hunt never get old, and there are plenty of new games to try as well. No matter what you choose, be sure to add some excitement and competition to the mix for a party your teenager and their friends will never forget!

Water Balloon Fight

One of the best things about summer is getting to cool off with water balloon fights. This game can be played with any number of players and is sure to be a hit with party guests of all ages. To play, simply divide into two teams and have each team try to soak the other with water balloons. It’s so much fun!

Glow Stick Tag

For a fun twist on the classic game of tag, try playing glow stick tag. This game is best played at night, and you’ll need some glow sticks. Select the first player to serve as “it” to begin. Then, have them create a circle by connecting two glow sticks together to make a bracelet to wear. All other players wear a glow stick bracelet as well.

When a player is tagged by the “it” person, that player gives the “it” person their glow stick bracelet. The game continues until the “it” person has collected every bracelet. The last person to give “it” their bracelet will be “it” for the next round.

Balloon Stomp

This is a great party game for groups of 10 or more. To play, have each player blow up a balloon and tie it around their ankle. Then, have everyone try to stomp on other players’ balloons while protecting their own. The last person with an intact balloon wins!

Sack Races

Sack races are always a hit with little kids, but they can be fun for teens too! To play, line up all the players at the start line. Then, when you say “go,” they should jump into the sacks and race to the finish line. The first person to cross the finish line wins!

Hula Hoop Toss

This is an excellent game for larger groups. To play, set up hula hoops in a row at different distances from the start line. Then, players should stand behind the start line and take turns trying to toss a Frisbee through the hoops. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins!

Kan Jam

Your Kans should be placed across from one another. (For competitive and leisure play, 50 feet apart) Pick two teams. Each team member is positioned behind the Kans on opposing ends of the pitch. Partners switch off throwing and deflecting. To win, a team must score exactly 21 or hit the instant win slot.

Cell Phone Scavenger Hunt

This is a great game for groups of 2-4 players. To play, each team needs one cell phone and a list of things to find. The object of the game is to find all the items on the list within a specific time limit. The team that finds the most items wins!

Flashlight Tag

This is a fun outdoor game to play at a backyard party or on a camping trip, especially during nighttime. To play, one person is “it” and uses a flashlight to tag other players. When a player is tagged, they become “it.” The game is over when everyone has had a turn being “it.”

Beanbag Toss

This is a classic party game that can be played by people of all ages. To play, set up a beanbag toss board or make your own with cardboard boxes. Then, players take turns trying to toss the beanbags into the holes. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins!

Lawn Bowling

This is a great lawn game for groups of 2-4 players. To play, set up the pins at the end of the lawn. Then, players take turns trying to roll their balls and knock down the pins. The winner of the game is the one with the most points at the end!

Obstacle Course

An obstacle course is a great way to add excitement to any party! To set up, use whatever you have on hand to create a course in your backyard or house. You can use things like cones, hula hoops, and chairs. The first person to complete the course wins!

Blindfolded Dodgeball

This is a twist on the classic game of dodgeball. To play, divide the players into two teams and have them line up on opposite sides of the yard. Each team should be blindfolded. The object of the game is to hit the other team with a rubber ball. Once you’re hit, you’re out and the team to lose all their players first loses the game!

Sponge Pass Race

This is a fun game for groups of 2 or more players. To play, each team needs one sponge and a bucket of water. The object of the game is to fill up your sponge with water and run to the other end, where there’s an empty bucket to squeeze out your sponge. The team to fill up their bucket with water first wins!

Tug of War

This is a classic outdoor game that can be played by people of all ages. To play, two teams line up on opposite sides of a rope. The object of the game is to pull the other team across the line. The team that pulls the other team across the line first wins!

Pool Noodle Javelin

This is a fun game for groups of 2 or more players. To play, each team needs one pool noodle and a bucket. The object of the game is to throw your pool noodle like a javelin into the bucket. The team to get the most pool noodles in their bucket wins!


This is a classic outdoor game that can be played by people of all ages. To play, two teams line up on opposite sides of the court. The object of the game is to hit the ball with your mallet and score points by getting the ball into the other team’s goal. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins!


People of all ages can participate in this traditional outdoor game. To play, two players or teams stand at opposite ends of the horseshoe pit. The object of the game is to throw horseshoes at the stake in the ground and score points by encircling it. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins!

Water Balloon Toss

This is a perfect game for groups of 2 or more players to play on a hot summer day. To start, each team needs one water balloon. The object of the game is to toss the water balloon back and forth between team members without dropping it. If the balloon breaks, the team is out and the other team is named the winner.

Egg Toss

For teams with two or more players, this is an enjoyable game. To play, each team needs an egg. The goal of the game is to start by tossing the egg back and forth between teammates while keeping it intact. The team that ends up with a cracked egg is eliminated! The last team standing wins!

Shaving Cream Fight

This is a fun game for kids of all ages, and there is no limit to the number of players. To play, each kid needs one can of shaving cream. The object of the game is simply to spray all of the other kids with your shaving cream until it’s all gone. It’s a big mess that’s tons of fun!

Capture the Flag

This is a classic outdoor game that can be played by people of all ages. To play, two teams line up on opposite sides of the playing area. The object of the game is to capture the other team’s flag and bring it back to your own base. The first team to capture the other team’s flag wins!

Frisbee Golf

This is a fun game for groups of 2 or more players. To play, each team needs one frisbee and multiple baskets. The object of the game is to throw the frisbee into the basket in as few throws as possible. The team with the lowest score at the end of the game wins!

Blob Tag

The difference between blob tag and standard tag is that once someone gets tagged, they hold onto “it” and keep trying to tag the other players.

The “blob” of players continues to grow as the game progresses until there is just one person left alone. Then, the blob disperses so that it can restart when the final individual who wasn’t marked is either declared the “winner” or transforms into “it.”


This is a classic outdoor game that can be played by people of all ages. To play, two teams line up on opposite sides of the playing field. By kicking the ball and running around the bases, players can score runs in this sport. At the conclusion of the game, the team with the most runs wins!


This is a fun game for kids of all ages, and there is no limit to the number of players. To play, one player hides while the others count to 100. The object of the game is for the hider to stay hidden until the seekers find them. Once the hider is found, everyone squeezes into the hiding spot with them. The last person to find the hider is the winner and the next hider!

Red Rover

People of all ages can participate in this traditional outdoor game. To play, two teams line up on opposite sides of the playing field, holding hands. The object of the game is to run and break through the other team’s line. When it is one team’s turn, they will call out the name of the kid they want to run over. If they break through, they join that team’s line. The team with the most players left at the end of the game wins!

Nerf Gun Fight

This is a fun game for groups of 2 or more players. To play, each team needs one nerf gun. The object of the game is to shoot the other team members with your nerf gun. Once a player is hit, they must go down. The last team standing wins!

Paint Ball

One of the most popular outdoor party games for teens is paintball. This game is not only a lot of fun, but it is also a great way to get some exercise. You can either play paintball at a local park or set up your own course in your backyard. If you set up your own course, be sure to have plenty of hiding places and cover for the players.

Treasure Hunt

Another classic outdoor party game that teens love is a treasure hunt. To make this game more exciting, hide small prizes around the playing area for the players to find. The first person to find all of the treasures wins the game. You can also add clues to help the players find the hidden treasures.

Ghosts in The Graveyard

This is a great spooky party game that can be played outdoors. To play, you will need two flashlights and a group of at least four people. One person will be the “ghost,” and the other players will be the “hunters”.”

The hunters will try to find the ghost using only the light from their flashlights. The ghost will use their flashlight to scare the hunters. The first person to find the ghost wins the game.

Freeze Tag

This is a classic game that can be played with any number of people. To play, one person is chosen to be “it.” The object of the game is for the other players to avoid being tagged by the person who is “it.” If a player is tagged, they must freeze in place until another player tags them and sets them free. The last person to be tagged is the winner.

Slip and Slide

This is an excellent game for hot summer days. You will need a long slip and slide and a hose to wet it down. The object of the game is to see who can slide the farthest without falling off. This game is sure to be a hit with all of your friends.

Human Pyramid

This is a great game for a large group of people. The object of the game is to see who can build the tallest human pyramid. This game requires teamwork and communication to be successful.

Try Some of These Fun Party Games at Your Next Birthday Party!

If you’re looking for some backyard games to play at your next birthday party, look no further! We’ve gathered a list of the best outdoor party games that are sure to provide hours of entertainment for kids of all ages.

From classic games like tag and capture the flag to new favorites like shaving cream fights and water balloon tosses, we’ve got something for everyone. So get outside and have some fun!