30 Inspiring Budgeting Quotes Guaranteed to Motivate You

Budgeting quotes are helpful, whether you have been managing money for a long time or are just getting started or. The right set of words can give you that extra motivation to manage your money. You can make your personal and family finance journey more fun and fruitful with quotes that resonate with you.

Powerful and admirable minds have given their thoughts on money. We are lucky to be able to learn from what they had to say. Keep scrolling to read 5 quotes that will inspire you to budget well.

Quote by Dave Ramsey, A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.

“A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.”
– Dave Ramsey

This quote by Dave Ramsey is simple yet profound. If you feel that going by a budget is cumbersome, tedious, and something that makes you feel chained up, then this quote should help you.

Budgeting means you are in control of your money, and not the other way around. Budgeting also means you can do what you want how you want with your money, and not be “wondering where it went” later on.

Money management becomes fun, easy, and empowering when you see that budgeting puts you in full control. This is why this quote is wonderful for those who have a tough time budgeting and yearn to feel more control and freedom with their money. 

If Dave Ramsey’s words can’t help you, whose can? If this quote isn’t sufficient to inspire you, you can look at this quote by Dave Ramsey too: “A budget isn’t about restricting what you can spend. It permits you to spend without guilt or regret.” Once again, know that budgeting habits increase your freedom, power, and ease in life. 

Quote by Will Rogers, Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people that they don’t like.

 “Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people that they don’t like.”
— Will Rogers

There are many ways to waste money, but one common way to waste your money is by purchasing things with the main goal of showing off or making other people think highly of you. In some cases, it is okay to do this, but if this is done often or is done to impress people you don’t care about then you are just wasting your time, energy, and money.

There is nothing wrong with spending money. However, make sure you are using your money for yourself, and your loved ones. Otherwise, it is your money using you, and not the other way around.

This quote by Will Roger is inspiring by stating a cold hard truth. When you read this quote you can be reminded to not fall prey to going more into debt for the wrong reasons. 

What’s better is that when you free yourself from wasting money on people you don’t need in your life, you begin to free your mind from unnecessary expectations as well. You will learn, through action and thoughts, that you don’t have to be anyone but yourself, especially with money!

Quote: Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver by Ayn Rand

“Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.”
– Ayn Rand

A big obstacle many people face is they are not able to view money as what it truly is. Money is not bad or “evil”. Money is not good. Money is just money, it is what you do with it that makes it “good”, “bad” or anything else. See money as a tool, a powerful but neutral tool, and then you can be more empowered when budgeting.

You can use the money to build or break relationships. You can use the money to improve or worsen yourself as an individual. You can use it to help or harm others. It is all up to you. The power does not rely on money, it relies on you, the driver. 

You can effectively use money as a tool when you see yourself, not the money, as a driver. This quote helps you solidify this idea in your mind. And yes, you can be a strong driver even if you are in debt or don’t have a lot of money. That is where budgeting comes in, and you have to see budgeting as a way to have control over your financial vehicle.

Know yourself, your values, and your aspirations and then budget based on these things. This way you can make money a very efficient and effective tool in your life.

quote by darren hardy, The slightest adjustments to your daily routines can dramatically alter the outcomes in your life.

 “The slightest adjustments to your daily routines can dramatically alter the outcomes in your life.” 

– Darren Hardy

People are slaves to habits. What you do every day ultimately determines how your life goes. Our daily routines are, without a doubt, extremely powerful. Fortunately, you always have the power to create daily habits that help you.

Never underestimate the impact of small changes. If you do something small better, and you do it often, you will improve in that area. 

There are many lifestyle habits you can incorporate into your daily routine. Things like waking up ten minutes earlier, drinking more water, saying a friendly hello to strangers, and so on help your health and mindset. A healthier mind and body do help with finance too.

If you want a more direct adjustment to your routine with money, however, try using apps that help you budget. Download cashback apps like Rakuten, Honey, and Ibotta, and use these when you can for purchases. Download receipt money-making apps like Fetch and Receipt Hog, and never throw a receipt away until you have entered it into the apps. Try out apps like Mistplay and Sweatcoin, so you can earn money while you play games or take walks. 

Use mobile technology and apps to make budgeting fun for you. These activities may feel small, but when you make them habits it will help you in the long run.

quote by abraham hicks, The standard of success in life isn’t the things. It isn’t the money or the stuff ...it is absolutely the amount of joy you feel.

 “The standard of success in life isn’t the things. It isn’t the money or the stuff …it is absolutely the amount of joy you feel.”
– Abraham Hicks

Reading this quote at first may make budgeting seem unnecessary or unimportant. However, when you understand the true essence of this quote by Abraham Hicks, you realize how budgeting is very helpful.

At the end of the day, we all want the same thing: happiness. To feel joy, we usually need to feel freedom and ease. You feel freedom and ease when you are in good health and good wealth. Stress and worries over debt, mortgages, loans, and so on keep us from feeling free and easy. 

Focus on what is important to you and what makes you feel the most joy.; then shape your budgeting style around that. If you make a budget that works for you and keep at it you will attain financial freedom. This approach to budgeting makes the overall experience more motivating. When you make your money work for you, you can focus on the true joy, ease, and freedom of life. 

1. “Used correctly, a budget doesn’t restrict you; it empowers you.” – Tere Stouffer

2. “Budgeting isn’t about limiting yourself – it’s about making the things that excite you possible.” – unknown

3. “Budgeting only has one rule; Do not go over budget.” – Leslie Tayne

4. “Budgeting is not just for people who do not have enough money. It is for everyone who wants to ensure that their money is enough.” – Rosette Mugidde Wamambe

5. “A debt problem is, at its core, a budgeting problem.” – Natalie Pace

6. “The simplest definition of a budget is ‘telling your money where to go.’” – Tsh Oxenreider

7. “A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.” – Dave Ramsey

8. “A budget is more than just a series of numbers on a page; it is an embodiment of our values.” – Barack Obama

9. “One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up, instead of what they have to gain.” – Rick Godwin

10. “The budget is not just a collection of numbers, but an expression of our values and aspirations.” – Jacob Lew

11. “That’s why you call it a budget. You set it and you don’t budge.” – Jennifer Morrison

12. “I grew up in a world before people had credit cards. There were no magic cards – it was all about budgeting.” – Anthea Turner

13. “Be judicious with your budget and buy things that are going to last.” – Michael S. Smith

14. “Budgeting is the first step toward financial freedom” – Unknown

15. “The secret to budgeting is that it needs to be honest. Not what you think it should be or wish it could be, but what it really is.” – Lisa Conway-Hughes

16. “Even when you have a big budget, you can’t just shoot everything.” – Debbie Allen

17. “Creativity starts when you cut a zero from your budget.” – Jaime Lerner

18. “If you want creativity, take a zero off your budget. If you want sustainability, take off two zeros.” – Jaime Lerner

19. “This budget reflects a choice, not an easy choice, but the right choice.” – George Pataki

20. “Adults devise a plan and follow it. Children do what feels good. Be an adult and make a budget.” – Dave Ramsey

21. “I’m not cheap, you understand, I’m just a cut price person in a low budget land.” – Ray Davies

22. “A budget is a financial plan to control future operations and results.” ― Jae K. Shim

23. “Budgets are blueprints and priorities.” ― Kevin McCarthy

24. “With an understanding of your budget and your true needs, you may start putting away more money than you ever expected.” ― Larry Dyson

25. “If broke people are making fun of your budgeting, you are doing something right.” – Dave Ramsey

26. “It’s clearly a budget. It’s got a lot of numbers in it.” – George W. Bush

27. “Budgets are nothing if not statements of priorities.” – Jeff Merkley

28. “Budget: A mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” – A.A. Latimer

29. “A budget is a plan for your money. It is how you want to spend your money. Financially smart people create a saving budget first and then plan the spending budget. Are you financially smart?” – Nita Menezes

30. “A budget isn’t about restricting what you can spend. It gives you permission to spend without guilt or regret.” – Dave Ramsey

31. “I believe in ‘last in, first out’ budgeting. If you go to any company, any family budget, that’s what you usually cut in a time when you can’t afford things. We are at a very critical point where we have to make decisions about whether we can really afford this huge new entitlement.” – Gil Gutknecht

32. “The only way to learn on a $0 budget is to talk to people.” – Drew Houston

33. “Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.” – Benjamin Franklin

34. “Budgeting isn’t a bad word.” – Rachel Cruze

35. “A budget doesn’t limit your freedom; it gives you freedom.” – Rachel Cruze

hands typing on a laptop


There you have it, five powerful money quotes that will inspire you to budget. Money is wonderful when you are in charge of the money, not when money is in charge of you. Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to take your power back with money. 

If you feel overwhelmed or bothered with budgeting, go over these inspiring quotes from great minds. You can surround yourself with your favorite quotes too. Use them as your phone or computer wallpaper, print it out and keep a copy in your wallet, or make a small framed decoration out of it. Do what you can to make your finance journey a journey of abundance and empowerment.

Happy budgeting!