paper and pens with a list written on a piece of yellow paper

Make Budgeting Biweekly Paychecks Easy with Just 4 Steps

If you are new to every other week paychecks, you may be wondering, what’s the best way to budget for biweekly paychecks and monthly bills?  You may be surprised just how simple it really can be. How to Create a Biweekly Budget with Monthly Bills What makes biweekly budgeting a little special is that your

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How to Make Quick Money in One Day: 11 Turnkey Hustles

When it comes to your finances, sometimes, no matter how well you plan, you’ll end up in a situation where you need to make money fast. Maybe you can’t access your bank account today or lost your part-time job and desperately need cash. Whatever the case, you’ll want to make sure that you can make

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calculator and spreadsheets

Types of Debt: Understanding What You Owe

Most people fail to realize that there are many different types of debt. Although we know the general names of the things we owe money on, such as a mortgage, they fall within categories. Knowing what type of debt you have under your name can help you better understand how to maximize your payments. What

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family saving money to a piggy bank

What Strategies Are Most Effective for Saving Money?

When you are in a constant cycle of struggling with simply paying bills it can be tough to know how to best save money for the future. Let’s dive into some of the most effective strategies that you can use to accomplish your big and small financial goals. What Strategy Is Most Effective for Saving

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Smartphone screen displaying a savings account concept

Can You Lose Money in a High Yield Savings Account?

When you begin your financial journey, there’s no doubt you’ll want to make the most of your income. Can you lose money in a high yield savings account? Before signing up for a savings account, it’s important to ask this question. High-yield savings accounts could be the answer, but they come with a few disadvantages

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Best Books on Budgeting in 2022: Complete Reviews With Comparisons

The best books on budgeting can give you all of the best tips and tricks to managing your accounts. In this way, you can be financially prepared for anything that comes your way. From saving for a car to reducing my spending, I have found these titles to be some of the most valuable resources.

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9 Jobs for Stay at Home Moms

Being a parent in modern times is hard. Many mothers want to stay at home with their children but cannot afford to do so due to the expensive costs of living. This is why moms across the world are finding stay-at-home jobs that allow them to balance parenthood and make an income.  If you are

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DIY Projector Screen | 8 Super Simple Options to Create Your Own

Projector screens have become very popular in recent years. However, projector screens can be very expensive, so many people wonder: is there a DIY alternative to purchasing a projector screen? Below, we’ll list all of your options and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. A Bed Sheet or Other Cloth One of the least

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