bundle of dollar bills

7 Best Coupon Apps to Save Money and Fight Inflation

With inflation at its highest level in four decades, saving money by any means necessary is a high priority. Coupon apps are one way to ensure you are getting the best deal on every shopping trip, whether online or in-store. No matter what products you are buying, there is often a coupon available to help

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pile of cash on white counter

Six-Figure Salary: What It Gets You In 2023

Hitting a six-figure salary is part of the American Dream. A six-figure salary lets you live more comfortably and, in many cases, in the lap of luxury. So, what exactly will six figures get you in 2022? In 2022, a six-figure salary allows you to provide for a family and pay the bills. If you

Dollar Shave Club Vs Harry’s: Which Is Cheaper?

One of the most valuable and beneficial subscription services available today are shaving subscriptions which include razors, shaving gel, and other grooming necessities. Two of the best brands in the shaving world today are Dollar Shave Club and Harry’s who both offer subscription services.  Dollar Shave Club and Harry’s both offer products that are very

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mom holding daughter in her lap inside home

17 Inspirational Stay at Home Mom Quotes

Being a stay at home mom is one of the toughest jobs around. Check out these stay at home mom quotes to help encourage us on those days that we need it most! Here are 17 insanely inspirational stay at home mom quotes. Be sure to save this later or print your favorites! Inspirational Mom

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What strategies are most effective for saving money?

Putting money aside for long term and short term goals can be challenging for many people. And while it is challenging, it isn’t impossible– let’s talk about what strategies are most effective for saving money.  This guide can help you set simple, yet realistic and achievable savings goals.  # 1: Track your spending.  Tracking your

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woman looking over papers at a table

Budgeting Myths You Need to Overcome

You may be wondering, why is budgeting important? Budgeting is one of the biggest keys to not only managing your money, but making it work for you! Many people are often turned off simply hearing the word budget and will give themselves reason after reason why they don’t need to budget their money. Let’s talk

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open book on a white table- minimalist with plant

11 Vital Things to Save Up for in 2023

There is no better time than today to start saving money for your long-term savings goals, large recurring living expenses, and preparing financially for significant life events. Let’s talk about 11 critical things you should be saving money for this year. What to save up money for today for a better financial future Emergency Fund

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computer on a desk with spreadsheets on the screen

Balancing Your Checkbook | A Step by Step Guide

Simple Checkbook Register ( OR Checkbook Ledger) What is the Purpose of a Checkbook Register? The purpose of a checkbook transaction register is to stay on top of the money you have coming in and going out of your bank account every day. Also, you have the added benefit of tracking your balance on a